
Published! Amplitude’s North Star Playbook

A project that occupied much of my professional attention this fall was co-writing an online playbook on the North Star Framework. The project was sponsored by Amplitude, a product analytics firm based in Silicon Valley. The lead author was product development nut (his term, not mine) John Cutler, a prolific writer and thinker on product management and development matters. My role: collaborator and co-author.

Our labors have borne fruit: last week, Amplitude published the digital version of the playbook. Check it out at www.amplitude.com/north-star.

Our writing process was enjoyable. John lives in California; I live in Minnesota. Every couple of days we’d collaborate in Zoom sessions on a Google Doc. These sessions generally consisted of John typing rapid-fire notes and ideas, and me providing commentary and direction. Then we’d diverge for a day or two, during which I’d consolidate John’s notes, add my own perspective, and turn it into a coherent story. All the while we’d fill the Google Doc with comments and edits. It was an effective process, though occasionally arduous.

Personally, the project was satisfying for me. I got to do something I deeply enjoy: think and write about digital products and strategy. I got to know a smart and kind dude, John Cutler. And I learned more about the North Star Framework, an effective model for leading products and product teams. I’ve already started using the framework myself in consulting engagements.

The North Star Framework offers product teams the potential for deep and lasting impact. Intrigued, but not sure how to get started? Funnily enough, I happen to know a playbook that’s a great introduction.

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